Alizz Islamic Bank continues its annual "IftarSae’em" initiative

Roundup Tuesday 27/April/2021 13:13 PM
By: Times News Service
Alizz Islamic Bank continues its annual "IftarSae’em" initiative
Murtadha Jawad, AGMHead of Marketing Communications at Alizz Islamic Bank

Muscat: In line with the spirit of giving during Ramadan, Alizz Islamic Bank (AIB) has launched the “AlizzIftarSa’yim” initiative for the eighth year running. Implementing the Islamic principles and values of charity and volunteer work during the blessed month, Alizz Islamic Bank distributed 600 food packages for low income families throughout major cities in the Sultanate.

The primary goal of the Ramadan initiative is to support the low income families to prepare for the month of Ramadan with essential foods including rice, wheat, lentils, sugar, milk, oil etc. The secondary goal is to encourage employee volunteerism. Companies, employees, and the community gain the benefits of employee volunteerism. Employee volunteerism offers a tangible way for businesses to become more personally invested in undertaking social issues, to strengthen employee skills and morale, and to cultivate a more positive and productive business environment.

A large number of Alizz Islamic Bank staff volunteered in distributing packages for the low income families across the country. Throughout last week, employees travelled from the head office in CBD area to assist other employee volunteers in key locations.

Murtadha Jawad, AGMHead of Marketing Communications at Alizz Islamic Bank, said “Our IftarSay’im initiative aims at promoting the spirit of solidarity and cooperation within the bank, employees and the larger community by providing necessity to low income families during the holy month of Ramadan.” Jawad added, “This initiative also plays a significant role to further encourage the concept of volunteerism within the Bank’s work environment.”

Alizz Islamic Bank organizes special campaigns during Ramadan to give back to the community and encourage volunteerism and philanthropy in keeping with the charitable spirit of the holy month. This year, the bank distributed 600 boxes to under privileged families across the country as part of its “AlizzIftarSay’im” campaign.