Discovering different learning styles: Which is right for your child?

T-Mag Wednesday 02/February/2022 19:53 PM
By: Articlecity
Discovering different learning styles: Which is right for your child?

Is your child struggling with their classes? Do you have a kid going to school for the first time? A child’s first day at school can be as nerve-wracking for a parent as it is for them.

All parents want their children to excel and also have fun at school. However, it can be frustrating if your child struggles to meet your expectations. If your child is having a hard time at school, keep in mind that there are different learning styles.

Your child may simply need a different approach. This guide covers the different learning styles. Read on to discover which one is right for your child and more!

Traditional Learning Style

Traditional learning is often associated with classroom learning. This is otherwise known as conventional education, which is popular in most schools. Students sit and listen while the teacher directs topics to recite and memorise.

However, recent studies say that this is an ineffective teaching method. The strategies used in this method prevent students from learning valuable skills. This includes life skills like critical thinking.

Because this method involves only memorisation and recitation, there will be little to no knowledge recall. Your child may see better results with the following learning styles.

Solitary Learning Style

Is your child is an independent thinker? Do they prefer to spend time alone when studying? If so, they may benefit from solitary learning.

If your child is studying at home, give them the space they need. You may also consult your teacher if they offer individual work instead of group activities.

Remember that being a solitary learner doesn’t mean your child is lonely. It doesn’t mean they don’t like company either! Your child may just prefer studying alone, free of distractions.

Collaborative Play

As there is solitary learning, your child could also be a social learner. Your child could be a social learner if they gravitate towards group work. Some social learners can take up the role of the leader or find it easier to listen in a group.

Your child may enjoy group study sessions or your company while they’re studying at home. Give your child free rein of interaction, and don’t be afraid to engage them with new activities.

Multi-Sensory Approach

Some learners best absorb information when they tap into their senses. This can range from auditory, visual, and verbal learning. Keep in mind that these types of learning can also manifest with other methods listed above.

Auditory learners may like to listen to music while studying or repeat things aloud. Some may also record their lessons and play them back when studying on their own.

Verbal learners love writing notes and appreciate a great speaker. Visual learners love looking at diagrams and concepts. They are often also the most creative in the classroom.

Your child may like to doodle in class or have a pencil case of colorful highlighters. Do you have a visual learner at home? Your child may be a great fit for the Montessori homeschool curriculum!

Hands-On Learning

Physical activity is important to hands-on learners. This can manifest in several ways, like a child who won’t stop moving in their seat or fidgeting with something in their hands.

Sitting and reading from a whiteboard or book may not be enough. This is where fidget toys and Rubix cubes can come in handy.