Oman education: Indian School Muscat cuts fee hike by 50%

Oman Saturday 18/June/2016 09:50 AM
By: Times News Service
Oman education: Indian School Muscat cuts fee hike by 50%

Muscat: A campaign by parents against a fee increase at Indian School Muscat has forced a 50per cent cut in the hike.
Tuition fee increase for Indian school Muscat (ISM) students has been revised to OMR2, a circular from principal’s office says.
“The fee hike has been fixed at OMR2 per month for the academic year 2016-17. With regard to the parents who have already remitted the fee, the excess amount paid will be adjusted in the next quarter fee,” the circular adds.
“With regard to the parents who have already remitted the fee, the excess amount paid will be adjusted in the next quarter fee. Last date to pay the 1st quarter fee (April to June) without fine is 15/08/2016. Since there will not be any fee collection during the summer break, parents may pay the school fees online/ATM/CDM or bank transfer,” the circular added.
The ISM has increased tuition fee by OMR4 per month in March. However, the recent revision has been adopted after parents were up in arms against the fee hike.
A parent will have to pay OMR24 extra yearly as per the new fee structure. A board official has also confirmed the ISM tuition fee hike with Times of Oman.
Last academic year, OMR1.5 was increased.
There are around 9,000 children studying from KG1 till Class XII at ISM.