"You can find more effective - and longer-lasting - energy boosters than reaching for additional cups of coffee or a sugary snack," says Colette Heimowitz, vice president of Nutrition and Education at Simply Good Foods Company. "You'll notice a big difference in your mood and energy levels just from swapping out high-glycemic carbs with added sugars and refined grains for higher quality, energy-boosting choices like colourful vegetables, low-glycemic fruits and high-fibre whole grains."
* Apples - Apples provide filling fibre, vitamin C and antioxidants. Pair an apple with peanut butter or cheese to lessen the glycemic impact.
* Avocados - These are a great source of heart-friendly monounsaturated fat, plus oleic acid, folate and vitamin E. Have half an avocado as a snack on toasted sprouted bread, or add slices to tossed salad or scrambled eggs. An avocado a day combined with a healthy diet may lower LDL cholesterol.
* Nuts - Most nuts combine protein, healthy fats and fiber that help you feel full, so you're less likely to experience energy dips. Aim for up to two one-ounce nut snacks per day, such as topping a serving of full-fat Greek yogurt in the morning or for an afternoon snack.
* Leafy green vegetables - Spinach is one example, full of nutrients like fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, C, E and K - plus energy-boosting iron. Add spinach to any egg dish, soup or salad.
* Fatty fish - Salmon is popular for good reason, as it's flavorful plus full of protein and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids to fill you up and minimize blood sugar swings.