Oman's Council of Ministers stresses on funding for education

Business Sunday 19/June/2016 22:05 PM
By: Times News Service
Oman's Council of Ministers stresses on funding for education

Muscat: Strengthening further education funding, despite the economic slump, is one of the major goals of Oman, the Council of Ministers has announced.
Revealing a raft of new measures, the council also took time to thank the people of Oman for playing their part in helping the country get through the downturn.
The Council of Ministers agreed that the number of seats in higher education institutions should remain the same and that the number of students dispatched to study technical specialisations should be increased.
The Council of Ministers updated itself about steps undertaken to ensure the sustainability of food security and urged departments concerned to tighten up the monitoring of food supplies and to benefit from Oman’s location and make the Sultanate a centre of import and re-export of livestock.
The Council emphasised the need to facilitate investment and economic diversification, urging all government departments to use the one-stop-shop system Invest Easy.
Tourism strategy
The Oman Tourism Strategy was approved and investment in the field of health services was considered, with the private sector being asked to play a greater role in serving the economy.
The Council also stressed the importance of collaboration to upgrade the system of education in Oman. It approved the introduction of military education programmes in schools. It also approved the formation of a media committee to study challenges to information in the Sultanate, while approving the establishment of an Information Training Centre and a Social Media Centre.
The Council stated that it supports the fact that efforts should be combined in monitoring the implementation of service projects. It asked the departments concerned to coordinate with municipal councils in this regard.
While tightening its belt in other areas, the council stuck fast to its policy of promoting education, both at home and abroad.
“It has been reaffirmed that the number of study seats dedicated for the General Education Diploma (Academic Year 2016-2017) shall remain the same for all government and private higher education institutions within the Sultanate, as well as scholarships abroad.
The statement added: “Technical specializations and entrepreneurship to be boosted. In its study of the quality of higher education, the Council of Ministers reached a conclusion that it is necessary to upgrade the active national programs and promote them to improve quality by increasing the number of students dispatched to study technical, technological, medical and industrial specializations and encouraging major private sector establishments to contribute to the program of scholarships abroad. The Council also urged the departments concerned to assist youth in launching their own businesses and facilitate their mission by streamlining procedures of financing through standard programs applicable at these establishments. The Council underscored the need to train these youths and transfer knowledge to them in a manner commensurate to all their requirements.
“The Council valued the visions and recommendations of the Majlis Al Shura and the studies it forwarded to the Council of Ministers about mechanisms for achieving security in food and water and about the ground reality of Najd area and dams in the Sultanate.
“The Council discussed the result of two food security reports about the Sultanate that were drafted by a global house of expertise. The reports showed that the Sultanate is fairly secure in terms of food security and due to the country’s potential and strategic location. In this respect, the Council underlined the significant role of the private sector in undertaking plant, animal and fishery investment projects.
“Due to the importance of the livestock sector in supporting the national economy and achieving food security and, to make the Sultanate an attractive centre of import and re-export, the Council of Ministers gave directives to the departments concerned to speed up the upgrading of animal production projects and to set up central livestock markets, while at the same time supporting small and medium enterprises to help them contribute to livestock growth and transport. This also envisages establishing value added industries related to livestock and utilising the economic and commercial facilities of the Sultanate, including seaports. In this context, the Council of Ministers urged the authorities concerned to take all necessary steps to promote foodstuff monitoring services in all border checkpoints, as well as seaports and airports of the Sultanate. The Council also called for expedient action to complete the electronic link between these departments and border checkpoints to ensure the effectiveness of monitoring services and facilitate them.
“As part of continuous action to promote the Sultanate’s economy and support infrastructure so as to increase stability and safeguard the living standards of citizens, the Council of Ministers emphasized the need for concerted action to upgrade the capabilities of government institutions and draft suitable policies for this measure to take shape. The Council also gave directives to streamline procedures and remove obstacles facing local and foreign investments. It called for action to raise competitiveness in the business sector and to develop related sectors. It also stressed the importance of expanding the role of the private sector and enabling it to better contribute to the national economic and investment in projects, notably value added projects.
“The Council of Ministers is closely following up the precautionary measures undertaken by institutions of the State for sake of ensuring the sustainability of economic conditions. It highly appreciates and hails the efforts of Oman Council, the State’s Financial and Audit Institution, government departments and other establishments for the studies, recommendations and proposals they make on economic affairs. The Council also appreciates the commitment of all for the success of the plan designed to overcome the current global financial and economic crisis. The Council of Ministers commends the understanding of citizens and their participation to achieve the desired goals of the current plan towards attaining a sustainable economic status for the sake of Oman and its future generations.
“The Council of Ministers underscored the importance of enhancing the partnership between the government, the private sector and the civil community towards the realization of the overall developmental and social objectives.
Facilitation of Trade and Transport: The Council of Ministers reviewed the report of the National Committee for the Facilitation of Trade and Transport. It approved the preparation of a comprehensive study to plan the transportation of goods in the Sultanate, to provide periodic solutions for the existing problems of truck transport, as well as long-term solutions. It called for the establishment of database for this sector and urged the private sector to take the initiative by establishing land transport companies.
E-government: The Council of Ministers studied the process of electronic government transformation and its priorities. It reviewed the ‘executive situation’ of the National Broadband Strategy. It laid emphasis on the continuity, conformity and complementation of efforts aimed to expedite the propagation of the broadband network.
Call to upgrade educational sector, overcome its challenges and introduce military education programs in schools: The Council of Ministers viewed the future vision of the education sector in the Sultanate. It commended the Education Council and other ministries and departments concerned for their efforts to secure the future of education in the Sultanate. The Council underlined the significance of collaboration of government establishments in their endeavour to upgrade the educational sector, address its challenges and contribute to the success of its strategies and programs. In the same context, it was agreed that the Ministry of Education would coordinate with other departments concerned to introduce programmes of military education programmes in schools and to expand the base of students enrolled in these programmes.
Government departments urged to use one-stop- shop system: Within the context of its follow up of means of providing an investment encouraging climate, the Council of Ministers reviewed the one-stop- shop Invest Easy and the success this system has achieved. It gave directives of all government departments concerned to adopt this system. The Council hailed Invest Easy’s winning awards from international institutions in the caliber of World Trade Organisation.
Health: The Council of Ministers approved the charter of the National Policy for Protection against non-communicable diseases. It also viewed a visual presentation on social health insurance titled “For the Introduction of Better Health Services” through the encouragement of foreign investments and maximization of revenue from the health sector. There exist substitutes to promote and finance health services that cater to all segments of society, the Council learned.
Oman Tourism Strategy approved: In pursuance of efforts to make the Sultanate a preferred tourism destination of high competitively and capable of attracting investors, the Council of Ministers approved the general framework of Oman Tourism Strategy, which seeks to foster the Sultanate’s status as a pioneering global example in the field of sustainable economic development. The strategy envisions ways to let the Sultanate advance on the path to transformation into a distinguished international hospitality destination, besides enhancing economic diversification, provision of employment opportunities, promotion of the value of natural and cultural landmarks, achieving a variety of economic and social benefits and the provision of necessary revenues for the protection of heritage and the environment.
Support economic diversification: The Council of Ministers underscored the significance of all State institutions’ understanding of the nature of economic diversification, notably tourism, urging these institutions to work to make tourism a success due to its positive implications to trade, the economy, investment opportunities and employment of citizens.
Nod for Qalhat Historical City: The Council of Ministers blessed the Heritage and Culture Ministry’s submitting an application to register the Historical City of Qalhat in the list of world heritage due to the city’s historic-strategic importance making it an international cultural park capable of enriching tourism and the national economy at large.
Approval given to media commission, training centre, social media centre: In confirmation of the important role of all types of information in the Sultanate, the Council of Ministers approved the formation of a committee to study challenges posed to the Omani media sector within the context of enforced legislative stipulations to regulate the sector, develop it and tackle obstacles that obstruct its course. The Council of Ministers also approved the establishment of an Information Training Centre and a Social Media Centre. It entrusted the Ministry of Information with drafting mechanism for the support of the information sector to enable it to perform its role in the best possible manner.
Efforts to be combined to oversee service projects: In consolidation of institutional action, the Council of Ministers approved cooperation between departments concerned and municipal councils in all that relates to the process of implementation of service projects in the wilayats of the Sultanate, each department acting within its prerogatives. The Council stressed the important role of municipal councils.
Within the context of its collaboration with the Council of Oman, the Council of Ministers reviewed the proposals of the State Council and Majlis Al Shura and their views on economic and social aspects. It valued the two councils’ commendable efforts to promote the public interest and took appropriate measures in this regard.
Commenting on the meetings held with the State Council Office and the Office of Majlis Al Shura, His Highness Sayyid Fahd bin Mahmoud Al Said, Deputy Prime Minister for the Council of Ministers, hailed the outcome of these meetings and highlighted their positive and objective vision on various matters of relevance to the current stage which, he said, reflected the keenness of all to intensify consultation and exchange ideas in all that serves the comprehensive march nation building.
On the occasion of the Holy Month of Ramadan, the Council of Ministers expressed its heartfelt wishes for His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, praying to the Almighty Allah to grant him continued good health and a long life.
The Council of Ministers also prayed to the Almighty Allah to endow the noble people of Oman more prosperity and to grant the Islamic world plenty of bounties and blessings.”