
Oman Motoring: Importance of proper air pressure in tyres

Lifestyle Sunday 13/November/2016 17:37 PM
By: Times News Service
Oman Motoring: Importance of proper air pressure in tyres

We know that proper air pressure is the most important thing to help tyres wear longer, save fuel, and improve the handling of vehicles. Your tyres will naturally lose 1 to 2 pounds of air pressure a month, but most people don’t realise that for every 10 degree change in temperature your tyre air pressure changes 1psi (pounds per square inch). Checking air pressure is easy with accurate air device.

To check air pressure, unscrew the valve cap and press the device in to place, you may hear short burst and air comes out.

The device also displays the air pressure. If you add air, check the air pressure again to make sure you have the correct air pressure.

The correct air pressure may be found in the vehicle owner’s manual or on the tyre placard attached to the vehicle door edge, doorpost glove box, or fuel door.

Remember, don’t use inflation number shown on the tyre, this number only represents the maximum tyre inflation pressure, not the recommended air pressure for your vehicle.
When finished, replace the valve cap. This will protect the valve stem from dirt and moisture, which could cause air loss.

Remember to replace the valve assembly when you replace the tyres. It’s your best assurance against a sudden or consistent loss of air pressure.

Many believe that they can check air pressure of their vehicle just by looking at the tyre or judging the sidewall appearance.

Also, many people use air metres at service stations, which can be grossly inaccurate due to exposure or abuse. Invest in a quality tyre pressure device.

To get the most accurate reading, make sure to check the pressure before driving on your tyres. If you have to drive before you check the pressure, try not to drive more than a mile; driving on a tyre increases its temperature and air pressure. To get the most out of your tyres and best fuel economy, try to check your air pressure every other time you fill up at the gas station or at least once a month. And finally, don’t forget to check your spare tyre.
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