Bahla Souq
Bahla Souq is a short distance from Bahla Fort. It has many traditional industries like making daggers and copper artefacts, in addition to Omani sweets (halwa), homemade ropes and fadl (large metal platters used for feeding the whole family). This souq is famous for its active commercial activity.
Al Hafah Souq
This souq lies 3km fom Salalah and is known for a variety of traditional products that it has in store including traditional textiles and clothing, gold and silver jewellery as well as many other traditional artefacts.
Ibri Souq
The Ibri Souq is an important tourist landmark and also an active economic centre of the Sultanate. The souq is built in an ancient Islamic style and features specialised sections such as gold and silver shops, Arab supplies shops and a dedicated area for the sale of animals.
Nizwa Souq
This souq lies within the vicinity of the monumental Nizwa fort. Daggers, copper, spinning, livestock sale, fish, vegetables and handicrafts are available in abundance here.
Muttrah Souq
It is one of the oldest souqs in Oman whose gate opens at the Muttrah Corniche and ends with another gate in the city’s old quarters. It is known for its handicrafts like silverware, daggers, traditional cloth, new apparel and shoes, in addition to the famous Omani sweets (halwa), spices and frankincense products. —[email protected]