Everyone knows aerobic exercise gets the heart pumping and lifting weights keeps muscles strong. But when it comes to keeping the brain healthy, most people are unsure what to do. As you age, brain health and maintaining memory functions becomes a top concern. Turns out, these issues may begin sooner than you think. We tend to think about memory decline as an older person's issue, but that's not the case at all, says Dr Aimee Gould Shunney, a licensed naturopathic doctor specialising in women's health.
Social isolation has been linked with cognitive decline, says Dr. Shunney. “In one study, people who were lonely experienced cognitive decline at a 20 percent faster rate than people who were not lonely.” Make time to take a foreign language class, join a Toastmaster’s Club, take a watercolour class - anything that connects you regularly to other people.
Thinking activities
I recommend anything that keeps your mind working, says Dr Shunney. “Activities that require things to be arranged or puzzles that have to be put together. Crossword puzzles, word games and board games are all great.” She also notes some activities to avoid: “It’s important to limit certain activities. The constant scanning of social media and newsfeeds eliminates creativity and keeps us on edge. Limit the time you spend doing that and instead do things that cause you to explore and think and put ideas together on your own.”
Regular sleep
Poor sleep is a risk factor for cognitive decline. “Studies show both sleep deprivation and sleeping too much impact cognitive performance,” Dr Shunney says. “A good goal is to go to bed around the same time each night, sleep for 7-8 hours, and get up around the same time every morning.”
Healthy eating
A Mediterranean-type diet that focuses on whole foods, good fats and foods high in antioxidants is a great place to start, says Dr Shunney. She encourages her patients to focus on getting omega-3 fats from fish and monounsaturated fats from olives, olive oil, nuts, and seeds. She also recommends increasing fruits (especially berries) and beans (they're packed with antioxidants). What's more, research shows a little cocoa, and coffee can act as antioxidants and are beneficial in low to moderate amounts.
In addition to a quality multivitamin, Dr Shunney recommends an omega-3 supplement. “Getting enough omega-3s is one of the most important measures we can take,” she says. "DHA is the dominant omega-3 in the brain. Just like we need to make sure babies have enough DHA to grow their brain, we need to make sure older people get enough DHA to keep their brains healthy.