
Why eating breakfast boosts your health

Lifestyle Saturday 28/January/2017 17:18 PM
By: Times News Service
Why eating breakfast boosts your health

Want to make 2017 the year you focus on your health? Wellness goals are admirable throughout the year, but too often well-meaning people make a common mistake that sabotages their efforts: they skip breakfast. It's a daily choice that millions of people shrug off as no big deal, but research proves breakfast is an important component in how you feel throughout the day. Consider these five reasons why breakfast boosts your health and should not be ignored.

Awakens your metabolism
When you eat breakfast, you "break the fast" from your sleep periods and give your metabolism a wake-up call. When you sleep, your metabolism slows and you burn fewer calories while you rest. By eating a nutritious breakfast, you are sparking your internal engine so it burns calories and gives you more energy throughout the day.

Helps you focus
Hunger can make people irritable and it's hard to focus on work when your stomach is grumbling. By eating a balanced breakfast of fat, protein and fiber, the food is processed into energy, allowing you to feel fuller longer.

Steadies the burn
When you skip breakfast, the body panics for nutrition, so come lunch you tend to overeat. This in turn overwhelms the metabolism and you end up with peaks and pits of energy throughout the day. For steady energy and efficient calorie-burning, eat a nutritious breakfast and other meals on schedule.

Encourages healthy choices
People who eat breakfast tend to make healthier choices throughout the day. According to MayoClinic.org, "People who eat breakfast tend to eat a healthier overall diet, one that is more nutritious and lower in fat. In contrast, people who skip breakfast are more likely to skip fruits and vegetables the rest of the day, too."

Sets a good example
When you eat breakfast, it sets a good example for your family. Plus, sitting down to a nutritious meal is a positive way to start the day together. You're helping your kids form healthy habits that will benefit them with increased focus and energy at school, ensuring they can do their best academically.-BPT