Not every car issue should have you running to the repair shop, and these minor annoyances are probably just things you suffer with, too small a problem to warrant a trip to a mechanic, but issues nonetheless. Thankfully, there are easy, inexpensive fixes that you can do right at home to rid yourself from these little maladies. Give them a try and let us know on how they worked for you, or if you have a great car home-remedy of your own. —[email protected]
Wiper fluid gone wild
When in an attempt to clean-off your windshield, you engage the sprayer, does more of the liquid end up on the car behind you or on your side mirrors than on the intended surface? Maybe it isn’t that dramatic, but wonky sprayers are quite an annoyance. The solution can be pretty easy, as the main issues is usually just a dust and dirt buildup in the washer jets. If your jets are sadly drizzling or spraying all over, try these steps:
1. Locate the eye of the sprayer.
2. If it is not pointing in the correct direction (towards your windshield), use a straightened paperclip to reposition it.
3. To dislodge any buildup, gently insert a small sewing needle into the eye.
Ding damage
Here in Oman, people are not always the most considerate parkers, which can leave your shiny new ride with some little door dents. Before you rush to the body shop, try getting your car body back in shape yourself with this trick:
1. Obtain a clean toilet plunger.
2. Place the plunger over the dent and lean into the plunger to create a suction seal.
3. Pull the plunger towards you until you hear a little pop. Twist gently to remove and check the formerly dented area.
Door key struggles
Though many cars these days have electronic keys, those who still have manual keys might find that the key gets stuck in the door or just feels “sticky” (this can also be an issue at home). Put down the can of WD40, as the spray could actually make things worse, and try this simple solution:
1. Sharpen a lead pencil.
2. Use the pencil to colour the area of your key that will be inserted inside the lock. (Be generous with your colouring, as it is the graphite that is going to help smooth things out inside the body of the lock).
3. Stick your key into the lock and turn it 5-10 times until you feel the mechanism loosening up.
Not-so-fresh interiors
Did you forget to close your windows during the recent little rain showers here in Muscat? Spilt a cappuccino on your seats? Whatever the reason, if you are suffering with a stinky car interior and typical air fresheners alone are not doing the trick, try this:
1. Buy scented fabric softener/ dryer sheets.
2. Place the sheets strategically under and between your seats, in the door pockets.
3. Replace the sheets every couple weeks, or as needed.
Cheap and easy interior shine
Is your dashboard looking a little sad? Skip the expensive car cleaning products and spruce things up with these household items:
1. Grab some olive oil and either a cloth or a paper coffee filter.
2. Put a little oil on your cloth or filter, and then rub the oil on your dash and displays. Be sure to use just enough to brighten and remove dust, but not so much that you are left with an oil slick.
3. Leave the oil at home, but keep your oil dampened cloth in the glove box to shine things up between detailing.