Muscat: A wind resource assessment campaign will be conducted by Oman Power and Water Procurement Company (OPWP). For conducting the campaign, OPWP has floated a tender seeking proposals from bidders to carry out the campaign.
The campaign will conducted in multiple locations in the country and include provision of equipment/sensors, installation, operation and maintenance and data validation, according to a tender notification.
This will be used to support the future development of wind power projects in Oman.
Oman has been encouraging development of non-conventional energy sources, especially solar and wind power.
The national programme for enhancing diversification, called Tanfeedh, has set a target of 10 per cent contribution from renewable energy projects in the total power mix within ten years. The renewable energy projects are aimed at generating around 3 gigawatt – 2.5 gigawatt from solar and 0.5 gigawatt from wind plants.
The tender documents will be available between October 15 and 29, while the last date for submitting bids is November 26.