Muscat: Village meeting halls, vital hospital equipment and a livestock market are all part of a series of community investments planned by Petroleum Development Oman (PDO).
PDO has signed three agreements with the Walis of Haima and Muqshin and the Health Ministry, committing for three projects at a ceremony in Marmul, southern Oman, it was reported in an official statement on Wednesday.
The major oil company has agreed to supply new medical equipment and appliances for a new hospital in Shaleem, build a livestock market in Haima and a public majlis in the Muqshin area.
PDO South Director Suleiman Al Tobi said the company is proud and privileged to support the communities “in which we operate and this latest social investment package highlights our ongoing commitment to provide important public amenities.”
He said, “Each tranche of this latest funding will meet a particular need of the people and contribute to improving the quality of their lives.”
The statement said PDO has already worked with the Health Ministry for expanding and upgrading the Shaleem Health Centre into a 14-bed hospital to provide in-patient and emergency services and will now extend that support with funding for medical apparatus, such as beds, ventilators and resuscitation kits, wheelchairs and
emergency trolleys.
“The Ministry of Health expresses its gratitude and appreciation to PDO, a company that is pioneering social partnership through its execution of various social investment projects,” said Dr Khalid bin Mohamed Al Mashaikhi, director general of Health Services in Dhofar.
The livestock market will also include a slaughterhouse. It’s the first in Haima and is expected to boost the local economy.
PDO has already funded two similar livestock markets in the wilayats of Shaleem and Al Jazir, the statement said.
The Wali of Haima, Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Shihab Al Balushi, said PDO is at the forefront of companies involved in community development, both in the Al Wusta Governorate, as well as other areas.
PDO has also funded a number of village meeting places used for weddings, funerals or general meetings.