
Sunday 29/January/2017 16:10 PM

All about apps: MyFitnessPal

We are in an era where almost everyone is on the move, and keeping track of what you eat can become a true burden for those of us who count their calories,...

Sunday 22/January/2017 15:45 PM

Six easy, affordable smart home features

Smart home features are designed to make homes more convenient, appealing, secure and energy-efficient. Here are six trending smart home...

Sunday 22/January/2017 15:36 PM

Oman Technology: All about Pinterest

Pinterest is a virtual space where you can find, save and share all the things you love including creative ideas, photos, recipes, videos etc. It is a...

Sunday 08/January/2017 17:23 PM

Oman technology: All about WhatsApp

Sometimes, all it takes is one spark to start a revolution, and that is exactly what WhatsApp has done, in completely transforming the text messaging...