New York: "The Winter," an Argentine film about survival and isolation, won best film at the inaugural Macau Film Festival on Tuesday and its...
When was the last time you experienced something effortless, or ‘requiring no mental or physical exertion’ as the dictionary puts it? Surely this effect...
When Stal Gallery puts on an exhibition, you just know that it is not going to be ordinary. So I wondered what Verena Kyselka, Stal’s new international...
Bahla Souq
Bahla Souq is a short distance from Bahla Fort. It has many traditional industries like making daggers and copper artefacts, in addition to Omani...
As His Highness Sayyid Haitham bin Tariq Al Said, Minister of Heritage and Culture, cut the ribbon at the great glass doors that lead to the Grand Hall of...
Los Angeles: Lin-Manuel Miranda scored a double whammy on Monday as the remixed soundtrack to his Broadway hit "Hamilton" debuted at the top of...