
Saturday 03/December/2016 17:12 PM

Health: You can enhance your brain

The human brain is the soul of the human nervous system. It controls involuntary activities such as respiration, digestion, and heartbeat, which are also...

Tuesday 29/November/2016 19:39 PM

Oman art: Carving it up with cuttlebone

Cuttlebone, also known as cuttlefish bone, is a hard, brittle internal structure and Indian -born artist Sandesh S. Rangnekar uses it to carve sculptures....

Tuesday 29/November/2016 15:25 PM

Aamir Khan's fat to fit video is going viral

Aamir Khan’s body transformation video has been going viral immediately after it premiered exclusively on the UTV Motion Pictures Facebook page. The video...

Tuesday 29/November/2016 12:56 PM

Oman: Land of Frankincense

Frankincense, also called olibanum, is an aromatic resin used in incense and perfume. It is obtained by cutting the tree’s bark of the genus Boswellia...