
Tuesday 26/July/2016 17:31 PM

I don't want to be number one: Irrfan Khan

New Delhi: He may have given stellar performances in films like "Piku" and "Talvar" besides an equally impressive career in Hollywood,...

Monday 25/July/2016 16:27 PM

One ingredient five ways: Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe Soup Take 1 ripe cantaloupe, 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar, 1/3 cup sugar and 1/2 cup orange juice. Cut melon and scoop out the flesh of the...

Sunday 24/July/2016 17:50 PM

Oman health: Eat healthy while eating out

When it comes to eating out those who are very calorie conscious their diet plan goes for a toss. But going to a restaurant doesn’t always mean eating...

Saturday 23/July/2016 16:54 PM

Tips to make your office a healthier space

Eight hours per day, 5 days a week: Your office is almost your second home. But sitting in a chair in front of a computer for too long can have an impact on...