
Monday 30/May/2016 18:28 PM

One ingredient five ways: Orange peel

Orange peel or any other citrus fruit peel enhances the flavours of a dish. Keep them for few weeks in airtight containers and add to cakes, curries, and...

Sunday 29/May/2016 20:36 PM

Vidya Balan open to do more Marathi films

Mumbai: Bollywood actress Vidya Balan, who is making her debut in Marathi film with "Ekk Albela", says she is a greedy actor and is looking...

Saturday 28/May/2016 17:28 PM

Oman Health: Fight Diabetes and Obesity

Dubai-based fitness guru, model and TV presenter Rania Gamal vows to fight diabetes and obesity which are two of the top killer diseases in the Middle East...