
Wednesday 13/April/2022 20:41 PM

Spring clean your diet in 4 easy ways

In addition to decluttering your home, why not declutter your diet? We've all heard the phrase "clean eating" or eating minimally processed foods and...

Wednesday 13/April/2022 20:20 PM

6 steps to help you protect your vision

When improving your health and wellness, it's essential to take care of your eyes too. This is especially important because of increased risk factors for...

Wednesday 06/April/2022 20:00 PM

Recipe of the week: Coconut Milkshake

Ingredients1/4 cup grated fresh coconut1 cup coconut water3/4 cup milk2 tbsp honeyPreparationIn a blender, combine the coconut, coconut water, milk and...

Wednesday 06/April/2022 19:24 PM

5 tips for a more sustainable home

While daily DIY hacks for a more sustainable lifestyle are increasingly popular, consumers are also interested in more meaningful, long-term ways they can...