
Wednesday 29/September/2021 18:16 PM

Recipes for packing a perfect picnic

EGG MAYO SALADIngredients4 large hard boiled eggs peeled and coarsely chopped1/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon mayo1 tablespoon Dijon mustard1/2 cup finely chopped...

Wednesday 29/September/2021 17:56 PM

Do your sunglasses suit your face?

Not everyone has a fun time shopping for sunglasses. When every pair is too big, too round, or just look better on your shopping partner, it can seem like...

Wednesday 22/September/2021 17:40 PM

Bookbites: A potpourri of great reads

Good Grief -- A Journey from Loss to Loveby Valerie D. Swinton and Fred J. Kirby Jr.If you lost a loved one to death and wonder how, when, or even if you...

Wednesday 22/September/2021 17:36 PM

Easy homemade waffles

SWEET POTATO WAFFLES Ingredients2/3 cup cooked, mashed sweet potato1/2 cup milk 3 eggs1/2 cup whole wheat flourSalt and pepper as per...

Wednesday 22/September/2021 17:22 PM

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's can be rewarding, but has its challenges. Early diagnosis, having open communication and doing some simple...

Wednesday 15/September/2021 20:07 PM

This weekend explore Muscat on foot

Stress -- it's everywhere. But there is an easy form of stress reduction that is as simple as opening your front door.Spending time outside can help improve...