
Wednesday 10/March/2021 20:00 PM

Reduce your plastic footprint at home

Plastic contributes to climate change and is a major pollutant, harming wildlife and people. With Earth Day around the corner, here are a few tips for...

Wednesday 10/March/2021 19:15 PM

Eat to keep your liver healthy

LIVER DETOX JUICEIngredients1 beetroot, cut in cubes1 apple, peeled and cubed1 carrot, peeled and cubed1/2 lime, juiced1 cucumber, peeled and cubedPinch of...

Wednesday 03/March/2021 16:58 PM

How the pandemic has impacted school students

 A new competition has encouraged students to talk about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected their education experiences, so that more can be done...

Wednesday 03/March/2021 16:52 PM

Decorate a small home without cluttering it

 Downsizing and moving into tiny houses has been a growing trend in recent years. With people attracted to the cost savings, minimalist lifestyle, and...

Wednesday 03/March/2021 16:46 PM

Easy to follow nutrition tips for seniors

If you’re concerned about nutrition for seniors, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re looking for your parents, grandparents, spouse, or...

Wednesday 03/March/2021 15:40 PM

Fun and informative for your reading delight

How To Be A Badass Vigilante: Book OneBy Michael AnderleWhen given power, what would you be willing to sacrifice for the greater good? Fed up with playing...

Wednesday 03/March/2021 15:36 PM

Some easy heart-healthy recipes

A wide variety of foods focused on fresh and unprocessed food can be good for your heart. GINGER CARROT SOUPIngredients2 tbsp olive oil1 medium onion,...