
Saturday 24/September/2016 19:09 PM

Oman Fitness: Six benefits of ballet

Just merely looking at ballet performances may encourage you to try the dancing so you can also have that graceful and flexible body. Ballet dancing indeed...

Wednesday 21/September/2016 20:17 PM

5 DIY projects to liven up your office

Whether you go into the office every day or work from home, most of us probably spend a lot more time at our desk than anywhere else. Why not take some time...

Wednesday 21/September/2016 20:06 PM

Fun Fact: Ancient Greek art and architecture

Much of what we know about the ancient Greek world has been learned from their pottery, which was often decorated with abstract and everyday scenes. The...

Wednesday 21/September/2016 18:41 PM

Stunning Works of Art in Oman by Nikos Zarra

It has been just a few years for him in Oman and Nikos is already a known name in the art circle of the Sultanate. “Art is such a passion that it cannot...

Tuesday 20/September/2016 18:42 PM

Hobbies in Oman: Painting

Hobbyist: Bincy Lee Binu Hobby: Painting Why do you love painting? Painting gives me a sense of relaxation, helps me forget my worries, releases my...

Monday 19/September/2016 19:25 PM

Oman Dining: Pasta Mania

Be it in the tiniest form or long and ribbon shaped, pasta comes in different shapes and sizes making each dish unique and fanciful in its own way. Here are...

Monday 19/September/2016 19:02 PM

Oman Dining: This weekend eat at Khyber

Where Khyber Must Eat Chicken Biryani What Is It? It is basmati rice cooked with boneless pieces of chicken which is marinated with herbs and spices and...

Monday 19/September/2016 18:41 PM

One ingredient five ways: Sardines

Grilled Sardine Toasts Take two cans of sardines, 5-6 slices of toast, 4 tablespoons of tartar sauce, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, and a handful of black...